Monday, September 24, 2007

Blinded by the light

We had a friend come over and he got the camera to work a little better.

Here is a bettter pic of the ring.

You can see it much better. The time stamp on the camera is wrong, so I have NOT been holding out on you for the past month!

I promise to resume interviewing family members for the blog- I just got temporarily sidetracked. I had a moment of panic last night when I realized that my comfortable, easy, no-craziness weeekends are coming to a screeching halt. We have a WEDDING to plan! But then I remembered that I am not a Bridezilla and I really am pretty low maintenance. All I have to do that is stressful is pick the place. After that's done- easy breezy. The most stressful will be picking the honeymoon location.

K- I HAVE to get to work now. People have been wandering by the work station (the HR department gets pretty offended if we call them cubicles), anyway- people have been coming by all morning to see the ring and ask me about wedding plans. All I know is April 26, 2008 and we'll have beer.



Dickie said...

beer is good, Stepdaddy Brian should take some gooooood pics with all that beer around!