Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ghost Town

WOW, is it a ghost town here at work today. It's very quiet and I would say only 1/3 of the people are here today. Those of us who ARE here are hoping, hoping they let us out early, but since they normally announce it the day before, I doubt they are. I think it's going to be one boring day ....

We did have a lady quit on Monday and she had a ton of filing to do, I offered to step in and help clean up her area. I guess I could do that today ... and one of my salespeople put in their notice yesterday. I sort of feel like my work life is falling all down around my ears. If you know me, you know I'm not the best at change. It scares me and anything uncertain- unsettles me .... so these two people leaving in two days has sort of turned me on my ear.

The good news is, this week has been pretty slow, so I've gotten out at lunch and gotten many errands done. I also have been getting home earlier because there's not as much traffic, so I can run another errand, usually, before I get home. So I am getting things done left and right .... and as much as this is such a happy and fun time, I will be sort of glad when it's over. It's sort of like Christmas- you love it and you love being in the seasonal mood, shopping is fun at first and getting to see your family - but that's over after a month. This wedding planning thing, by the end of it, will have been going on for seven months. It's a little long to be thinking about details and budgeting and worrying and wondering. I think I will be sort of half happy when it's behind us and we can start thinking of our actual life.

I am just beyond grateful there have really been no fights, no emotional displays, no hurt feelings, nothing like that. It has really, by the blessings of God, been very minimal in the area of drama... and cost too. In the meantime, we have been working on the house. We're making it the way we want it and then also thinking ahead and resale. I would say in the next three years or so, hampering any recession side effects, we'll be building the house we want and the house we want to stay in ... but in the meantime, making the house we have really nice and comfortable and you'd be so surprised the small changes you can make that can add lots of money to the sale price. Lucky for us, I watch a lot of HGTV and have a creative flair and Conrad owns and knows how to operate all of his tools. He's actually very handy ... he does a good job and I'm hoping at the next house, we can give him his own workshop out back. I need one as well- for all my crafts and yard sale junk I drag home. :)

37 days!



Jess said...

I love ghost town days at work. It's so peaceful and you can get so much done.

Moll said...

You should totally post before and after pics of your DIY projects. I would love to see what you guys are up to!