Wednesday, April 2, 2008

For the Dogs

Before I adopted my precious angel, Blanca- I did not care for dogs. I was never a fan of animal cruelty, of course, but never a fan of dogs. Didn't want one, didn't want to be around one.

Enter Blanca and now I feel like when I look at a dog, I can see their entire personality. Everything they are- happy or sad, etc ... I also briefly worked at a dog kennel/grooming place for awhile after I got her and I so enjoyed myself. If it paid more, I would still be there. Dogs just love you no matter what.

Friday's Oprah is about dogs and dedicated to her doggie, Sophie, who she had for 13 years and recently died. I believe they have said she was Oprah's four legged daughter and Oprah is absolutely devastated. As I would be. She is dedicating her show to her on Friday and Lisa Ling will be reporting on Puppy Mills. Normally the mere sight of Lisa Ling is enough to make me want to scratch my eyes out- I really can not stand that woman and have no idea why. I will, however, watch this episode. I also understand it will be about dog shelters and how we should all frequent those instead of puppy mills and breeders. Unless you are TRULY going to show your dog or you breed dogs for show, come on people, we need to be visiting shelters and this includes myself.

I can't hardly stand to see animals locked up in cages and I daresay that Friday will be really hard for me. I don't know if I'll be able to watch the entire thing, but I hope those of you who have DIVO or DVR will tape it and watch.

I'd say on the behalf of Blanca and all the other little dogs I know and love, they will thank you. It's really horrible sometimes, the way we treat animals of all kinds ...

Which reminds me that my friend Sunny, this weekend, witnessed the horrible abuse/beatings of six hunting Labrador dogs at the hands of their trainer. She called the police and filed a report this weekend... and then she worked diligently to report him to all of his sponsors (which were emblazed on the side of his truck and trailer), the magazines he advertises in and he was smart enough to list the names of the dogs, the owners and their phone numbers on his website - I guess for references- she was able to get that information and passed it on to the cops who are going to call all of the owners. I know they would never PAY anyone to ABUSE their animals. If you know of a Bill Autrey of Autrey Kennels in Louisiana- who wholeheartedly supports the abuse of animals for training purposes, avoid him. I don't think he'll be in business much longer... I am absolutely sick when I visit his website and see his sponsors and pictures of all those pretty animals who work so hard to make him happy. I hope hope hope he goes out of business. I'm proud of you, Sunny.
