Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hunka Hunka

This is one of my favorite things and I thought I'd show it to you.

Tonight we made the comandeered steaks - and I had to chop up some bacon for the baked potatoes - so I pulled out my handy dandy Elvis vegetable cutting board. This was a wedding gift from two of my favorite people - the porch monkeys of NW Arkansas - Tracy and Darlene. Darlene is a diehard Elvis fan. She has a Takin' Care of Business tattoo and an entire room devoted to The King. When I opened my gift from them, I immediately burst out laughing. Not only is it Elvis, he is made of vegetables. Double click on the pic and blow him up - eggplants for hair, an avocado neck, carrot collar. That's good stuff, man!

I love this because it's unique and because they thought of me. But I love it most of all because every time I pull it out I think of them and I think of all our good times. I think of the late nights, the stories, the sleepovers, the times I've been snowed in with them ... the crying over stupid boys, the being outraged for them over stupid boys, getting married, buying houses, building houses, having grandkids, drinking blackberry merlot from Wal-Mart, writing on the chalkboard cabinets, Taco Tico, Glasgow's and of course, stealing someone's dog ;) - I think of it all ... and so I love my cutting board and I love them.
