Thursday, November 6, 2008


Apparently, some people took great offense to my post yesterday- but again I state that this is my blog and I use it to vent and get things out ... sort of an online diary. There were comments made here, and emails sent to my work and my personal email ... emails that I sent out myself to get the conversation going ... and I spent a large part of the day talking with friends and family members about saying what I did ...

But what some people don't get is that the things they were saying, the things I saw on my television ... were offensive to ME. The stupid jokes going around about Obama - like the one about there's been a news release- the lines are too long- all Obama supporters vote onWednesday! .... or the one I got this morning in memo form about how all the people of the country should now report to the cotton fields- signed Obama the Almighty. Those jokes aren't funny TO ME. I can't tell you why. I just know every time I get one in my inbox or one is relayed to me I think it's in poor taste and it's offensive ...

Conrad has caught whatever horrible disease I had last week - and I went out last night to get us dinner. I had stuff at home, but we was sick and had a hankering for something else- so I went out. While I was gone, he logged on to the blog. When I got back he said, "Uh- I did some reading while you were gone". Now I know him and if it's not a Maxim, a NRA publication or a Cigar magazine, he doesn't READ anything ... so I said, "Oh the blog" ... and since Conrad is always a good barometer I asked him what he thought. Was I too harsh? Was I offensive? Etc Etc

......... and he said no. He said the supporters at the John McCain rally who booed and caused a rucus WERE disgusting ... but he also pointed out if Obama had been making a concession speech, there may have been a few at Grant Park who were behaving badly. He said all kinds of people do it and he's right. I'm really only commenting on the people I saw do it ... the people I saw on TV acting a fool ... the people I heard making comments that offended me. I am only commenting on ME and what I saw going on - on Palin's rallies and the things she should have said to stop some of the hecklers who are clearly idiots.

I have a few very very dear black friends who I adore. I saw yesterday that they were SO happy .... it was a victory for them. I'm not saying that's ALL this election was about- but I am saying it's a large part of it. That maybe Obama didn't set out to make history and SHAME on us for taking so long to elect an African American ... but he did make history regardless and it meant something to my friends and to me.

I think the people who stand up and shout that it's payback and that they have EARNED this somehow, etc etc are idiots too ... we have an idiot here in Houston called Quannell X and every time a black man is arrested he's out in the streets making a fuss. One guy had ADMITTED to killing his girlfriend, chopping her to pieces, COOKING her on his BBQ grill and dumping the ashes in the apartment dumpster. Quannell was standing NEXT to the dumpster on TV screaming about African American rights. THAT MAN is an idiot - but he doesn't represent ALL black people ... and I don't care what the election means to him. I care about what it means to my buddies and how they feel so empowered and I care that I got to see it and that now the world sees us as progressive. That, in itself, will help the economy. Don't look at Quannell and see all my friends, just as I hope you don't look at Kid Rock and think he represents all white people. Pa-lease ...

I also got an email yesterday warning me (after my blog was read, this wasn't random) that Michelle Obama is a touch racist herself. To be on the look out for her ... to educate myself ... I don't know. I asked Conrad about it- he said that he knows what she MEANS- that's she's proud to be black and proud of herself for her accomplishments- but he thinks she doesn't voice it very well, that it comes out offensive. So since I am fair and I want to know, I intend to research this ... I will be reading her interviews and watching as many as I can- so I can make up my mind for myself ... I think if it's true, it would be a terrible thing .. but I appreciate the heads up.




Blarkie said...

I find it offensive that you are supporting this president based upon that fact that your buddies are happy about it. That's the problem with today's "liberal" voters. They don't know anything about the issues - just go along with the "feel good" crowd. Educate yourself before you vote.

The Tomball Three said...

and I find you offensive, period.

Toni said...

Blarkie is full of malarkey! LOL