Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I think I had mentioned before I REALLY wanted a pizza stone ... from Pampered Chef. They are pretty expensive so I never ordered one before. I go to the PC parties all the time, but when it comes time for ordering, I always go with 8 small things instead of 1 big thing. Probably that "I want more for my money thing"- but really, I've ALWAYS wanted one! When my birthday rolled around I decided to bite the bullet and get me one. THEN some stuff with my brother happened ... and I had to go to Austin and well, there wasn't much extra money to be had.

I mentioned it to Kelley and she said uh, I have one and I never use it. You can totally have it ... and I said No No - that's ok and she said really, it's going to waste, please take it. So I said well at least let me pay you for it and she said absolutely not.

A few weeks later I had to go by her house, and she had it ready and waiting for me. YAY!

and while I was there ... she loaded me up with another two pieces! Never Used!

I KNOW, how sweet was that! What are those two pieces you ask? Well ... two casserole dishes for SURE ... and a ROASTER, when you put the little one on top of the big one!

I was so happy .... and it was VERY generous of her. She wouldn't take my money --- but I did take her stuff! HA!

Now ... where to put them? Another post on that soon!
