I discovered something new!
They are called Happy Roses or Rainbow Roses. Have you ever seen such a thing?
Here is how they do it, according to Wikipedia:
The rainbow rose is a rose which has had its petals artificially colored.
The method exploits the rose's natural processes by which water is drawn up the stem. By splitting the stem and dipping each part in a differently colored water, the colors are drawn into the petals resulting in a multicoloured rose.
CRAZY and they are like $89 for a dozen. That's a lot - but I would pay that for a special occasion. They are so pretty !!!! The process doesn't sound too bad. Maybe I could get some white ones and try .... Think about if I had known they existed when we got married! That would have been such a colorful and happy looking wedding.
As a matter of fact, let's pretend:
silly..your wedding was awesome and soooooooo much fun!!
yeah but i didn't have happy roses
maybe not happy roses, but happy guests and happy family and happy reception.I think it was perfect the way it was, and you had a happy groom...it was awesome
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