Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cool Gifts and the New Year

Good evening. I hope you all had a happy and safe New Year. My goal for this year is really just peace and positivity ... not to say people won't frustrate me or things won't go wrong - but just that I can handle them better and maybe when something happens I won't immediately think of the WORST possible scenario. Thankfully, Conrad is really great at being positive, so it should be pretty easy or at least I'll have some encouragement.

Yesterday afternoon I already got some bad news from one of my family members. My initial reaction was "Great ... Happy NEW YEAR!" .... but now after a day of reflection I realize this isn't about me AT ALL ... all I can do is offer my support and trust that maybe this was the best decision for THIS person and maybe this is how she can have her happy new year. I am looking at the news as devastating but you know, maybe it's not. I'm just here ... waiting to see what I can do.

I wanted to take a second and show you some cool stuff. I loved everything I got ths year - but these two things are unique and I'd never seen them before. Speaking of unique, my friend Kelley has a embroidery machine and she made me my very own kitchen towel- I'd show ya but it's in the washer!

This thing is a fruit infusion pitcher. Conrad and I went to Hawaii a few years ago and we went to the spa in the hotel and enjoyed a few treatments. In between, you would go sit in this room that was open to the ocean and you could drink this water with lemon and cucumbers. SO REFRESHING! I loved it. Spa water- who knew? So Conrad got me this great infusion pitcher. You can see I made my OWN lemon and cucumber water !!! The inside of the pitcher comes out so you don't always have to have the fruit inside, but (giggle) I probably always will. Now the question, will Conrad drink it?

This is a bowl set ... When they are together, they form a rose. SO CUTE ... my friend gave me this. Completely unexpected ...

Happy New Year, y'all!



Anonymous said...

That bowl IS cool! I couldn't picture it when you described it. And the infusion pitcher sounds lovely. Glad you like your towel! ;)