This has been a great weekend! We had so mch fun!
Saturday was errand day - Blanca and I both had our hair done- I went to the library- and did some shopping ... I have a baby shower to go to next weekend .... and then I made a super tasty pork chop casserole ... which we followed up by watching Fireproof. More on that, maybe later, in a different post.
Anyway, this MORNING we woke up and went to the blueberry farm!
There's one about 7 miles from here (we live very near the true country) ... and we picked enough blueberries for a year.
Here's me ... and what you can't see here is that even at 10AM it's so hot and humid, my makeup is literally streaming off my face.
The supermarket sells 1/4 lb cartons for $2.98 and this place charges $3 a pound. AND you get to pick them yourself - what a bargain and fun too! Here's Conrad reaching for his next blueberry victim.
This was only day two of the season ... which lasts about 6 weeks ... there had been so many little kids come through yesterday that the bottoms of the trees were bare. So it's good to take a tall boy with you- so they can reach the juicy berries at the top of the tree. Make sure to get you a boy that's at least six feet tall- MY boy is taller than that ...

We go out to eat, and we shop and we work on the house a lot, but we can rarely be found outside. When it's hot and humid, we are nowhere to be found - but this morning I thought it would be so much fun to get up and go pick our berries! So we went ... and had a great time!
