We decided on our first full day in CO to go visit a Gold Mine in Cripple Creek. It was started in 1891 by a lady named Mollie Kathleen and her grown son. It ran until sometime in the 1970's. We just sort of drove by and doubled up and came back. It seemed interesting and at $15 a person it was a good attraction and a good way to spend a few hours. 

First of all, WOW, the stuck 5-7 people in this TINY little elevator thing - and it was still functional from all those years ago. They lower you down on a cable, no light ... and it's a rickety ride, straight down 1000 feet. I was SCARED! I am also apparently claustrophobic, but didn't know. We went down, one elevator on top of the other. I took about 30 seconds to get down and it seemed an eternity. Once down there, a miner with 8 years experience was our tour guide. Here is the inside of the mine.
Here are Conrad and I getting ready to go in. Oh it's also 50 degrees down there, I could FINALLY breathe when we got that far down - they offered jackets and most people wore them. Being from Texas, we opted to NOT wear the jackets. It felt SO good down there.
and Conrad just thought this sign was hilarious. It certainly is "him"!
Then at the end of the tour before we got back into the elevator (which by the way was just like an open cage) they gave us each a piece of gold ore. When we got back up on the ground I went into the gift shop and bought a Mollie Kathleen shot glass and put our ore pieces and tickets in there. PERFECT souvenir. This one meant something - so much better than a magment or a snowglobe or something.
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